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Industrial aesthetics

Green building system

Beauty resistance is committed to the industry's most advanced environmental protection, energy saving products widely used in the field of metal construction, to provide customers with the green building system, providing customers with truly save resources, protect the environment, reduce pollution, providing customers with healthy, applicable, efficient use of space, maximum limit realizes the person and the natural harmonious coexistence of high quality construction.

100% recyclable metal materials, computer-aided optimization design, with more effective structural sections and materials to achieve a high level of building quality; High reflectance aluminum-zinc-magnesium roofing to achieve the effect of "cold roof"; Prefabrication and high integration of building components effectively minimizes site pollution; Maintenance-free wall system, saving water resources; The perfect combination of building insulation and natural lighting system and photovoltaic products effectively ensures the low consumption and energy saving of the building; Coatings with low VOC content provide good indoor air quality...